Praised by critics as a “first-rate young actor” (NY Times), and “excellent at bringing a humanity and honesty to complex characters" (Huff Post), Bajou’s acting credits include Broadway's Once, “Boardwalk Empire” (HBO), feature films Charming the Hearts of Men (opposite Anna Friel), Spielberg’s The Post, Chaplin of the Mountains (filmed in Iraq), award-winning shorts like Glimpses and Lullaby for Ray, and plays at Edinburgh Fringe (Won: The Stage’s Award for Best Acting), 59E59, The New Ohio (Won: NY Innovative Theater Award), American Repertory Theater (Boston), three national tours, et al. Member: SAG-AFTRA, AEA.
"First-rate young actor."
(Charles Isherwood, The New York Times on pool (no water))
"Estelle Bajou is giving a simply astonishing performance."
(Neil Genzlinger of The New York Times on The Jag)
(Scott Brown, NY Magazine on pool (no water))
"Stunning, original. Bajou is outstanding. She is the ideal actor to star in Allison Gregory's insightful, keenly crafted play."
(Marina Kennedy, Broadway World on Wild Horses)
"A tour de force performance."
(Two River Times on Wild Horses)
"Bajou is phenomenal. She plays an entire town full of characters, sometimes enacting scenes between three and four people. Changing Bajou to Bijou yields a gem, and Estelle Bajou is a multifaceted gem. A tale of adolescence at once particular and universal."
(Madeline Schulman, The Link News on Wild Horses)
”Estelle Bajou…portrays the interviewer with such naked vulnerability and compliance that had it not been for her presence, it would have been hard to find the focal point in this multi-starring, comedy-adventure of sorts.”
(Indie Shorts Mag on Full Throttle Paradise)
"Another terrific performance by Estelle Bajou."
(Neil Genzlinger of The New York Times on Wild Horses)
"Estelle Bajou as the feral Eiliff is stunning and tear-jerking...primal."
(Monica Charline Brown, Theater Pizzazz on Kushner's Mother Courage)
“A strange and lovely thing…With moving vehemence Soot and Spit...conjures Castle's world and work in a beautifully designed, dreamily evocative production. Our Voices Theater puts its money where its mouth is, casting-wise, nudging us to consider more deeply the notion of artists who don’t fit the standard mold."
(Laura Collins-Hughes, The New York Times on Soot and Spit)
"Powerful... Nothing short of stunning. The experience is rich and singular. Energy and psychic texture reverberate through the space. Every member of the stellar cast gives a full, vibrant performance."
(Adrienne Sowers, The Reviews Hub on Soot and Spit)
"A compassionate exploration of otherness... At once entertaining and heartbreaking."
(Ran Xia, Theatre is Easy on Soot and Spit)
"Stripped-down, riveting theater. Five fine actors all but dance their parts. The degree of difficulty in the style of the play, both in terms of Ravenhill’s writing and the performers’ agility, is engagingly high."
(Ed Siegel, NPR on pool (no water))
"Commanding, spot-on performance turned in by Estelle Bajou...exquisite nuances and dimension. A powerfully acted times charming and funny, and conversely dark and disturbing. There are moments that simply take your breath away."
(Lori Schneider, Aisle Seat, on The Night Alive)
"It is Estelle Bajou who is the play's most enigmatic and delightful creation. This is the kind of character that might derail the entire play if not properly cast. Thankfully, Bajou is absolutely perfect."
(Michael T. Mooney, NJ Footlights on The Jag)
"Ms. Bajou is giving one of the most poignantly exhilarating performances I've seen this year."
(Simon Saltzman, CurtainUp on The Jag)
"Excellent acting. Estelle Bajou brings the role of Carla Carr to life. ...A must see production."
(Marina Kennedy, Broadway World on The Jag)
"There is nice chemistry between Dan [Grimaldi, 'The Sopranos'] and Estelle Bajou, who is hilarious as Carla. At times, Estelle reminded me of a young Goldie Hawn circa the Laugh-In era. ... Truly wonderful acting."
(Gary Wien, NJ Stage on The Jag)
"Excellent at not only bringing a humanity and honesty to these complex characters, but also at Natalie Lomonte's choreography..."
(Bess Rowan, The Huffington Post on pool (no water))
"Three cheers for the small but ambitious One Year Lease Theater Company for bringing this terrific 2006 play to local shores, in a vividly acted production... Mr. Ravenhill and the skilled cast bring us wholly inside their skins, so that we can't help sharing their point of view."
(Charles Isherwood, The New York Times, on pool (no water) a New York Times Critic's Pick)
"Bajou's Carla entity that can't help but compel the attention."
(Tom Chesek, Asbury Park Press on The Jag)
"[Wild Horses'] playwright / director/ actor team – all powerfully talented women – have created...a work of such power and beauty, shining with its own inner truths. The kind of show you hope would go on to productions in larger venues."
(Allen Neuner, Out In Jersey on Wild Horses)
"...Five terrific actors. [M]ake your out-of-town friends jealous by catching One Year Lease Theater Company’s production of [pool (no water)]."
(Tamas Vilaghy, NY Times' The Local East Village on pool (no water))
"What makes the play so captivating is the ensemble work of Estelle Bajou, Christopher Baker, Nick Flint, Christina Bennett Lind, and Richard Saudek—they are, in a word, dynamic. Each actor is graceful, emotional, and riveting...[OYL] should serve as an inspiration to other theatre groups. You can still take a chance on the bold.”
(Leslie Bramm, on pool (no water))
"In 60 minutes of shadow-cut theatrical witchcraft, Demos and her superb cast make Ravenhill's vinegary misanthropy dance, literally and figuratively."
(Scott Brown, NY Magazine on pool (no water))
"Remarkably compelling, particularly given the passion of the ensemble. Moreover, each member of the cast shows a deft ability to navigate the piece's shifting perspectives along with precision in executing Natalie Lomonte's dance routines and Christopher Baker's stylized movement... This cutting and frequently disturbing story rivets from start to finish as it strips away at how envy, jealousy, and competitiveness can simultaneously undermine and exist alongside love and compassion."
(Andy Propst, Theatermania on pool (no water))
"The ensemble here is fine all around...with moments of distinction from Estelle Bajou."
(Richard Patterson, Exuent on pool (no water))
"Remember the names of the actors — Estelle Bajou, Christopher Baker, Nick Flint, Christina Bennett Lind and Richard Saudek. All are perfect."
(Michael J. Fressola, Staten Island Advance, on pool (no water))
"With a disarming energy...Bajou runs a storyteller’s gamut in her animated recollections of underage drinking, underage driving, entirely un-romantic early sexual experiences, and a deep undercurrent of sadness that courses through a family life that's both suffocatingly oppressive and coming apart at the seams."
(Tom Chesek, Asbury Park Press on Wild Horses)
"Beautiful and honest."
(Rachel Kolb, Ludus NYC on Soot and Spit)
"The film...upholds the hope for beauty and humanity in the face of tyranny, adversity, and the tragic history of the land and the fragmented existence of its people."
(Amir Sharifi & Ali Ashouri, Ekurd on Chaplin of the Mountains (Set & Filmed in Iraqi Kurdistan))
"Immersed in generational pain, [Chaplin of the Mountains] embraces humor without surrendering sensitivity."
(Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times, on Chaplin of the Mountains [Set & Filmed in Iraqi Kurdistan])
“[Bajou] blended into the performance seamlessly...the audience gave a standing ovation.”
(Kim Nursall, The Toronto Star on Once)
"Very, very funny...almost unbearably poignant. [Bajou] is excellent."
(Robert W. McDowell, CVNC on Graceland/Asleep on the Wind)
"Estelle Bajou’s body language, facial expressions and naked sincerity [are] a delightful mix for Ginny... There is this conversation where Kay is giving Ginny suggestions on how to perfect a particular type of sexual activity; it’s hilarious and played to perfection... The emotion of seeing the bomb go off, watching something so powerful, is played beautifully by Estelle Bajou. It gave me chills."
(Sharlene Hartman, The Catskill Chronicle on Jackass Flats)
"Estelle Bajou succeeds in creating a whimsical Ginny whose tipsy walking, unruly hair and disheveled dress all add up to a naive woman in search of a marriage she thinks Kay has."
(Marcus Kalipolites, Times-Herald Record on Jackass Flats)
"As Bev and Rootie, Sherri Sutton and Estelle [Bajou] both amuse us--before each breaks our heart a little bit. The last image of the work...burns in. Worth the seeing."
(Byron Woods, Independent Weekly on Graceland/Asleep on the Wind)
"Bajou’s innocent lycanthrope...provides a colorful counterpoint grounded in authentic emotion."
(Ethan Kanfer, Show Business Weekly on One Thousand Blinks)
"[Bajou] nicely differentiates the older, heavily made-up Rootie, who is haunted by her brother's fate and determined to take her grief to Elvis, and the younger, tomboyish Rootie, who absolutely worships Beau... Truly a night to remember--and cherish."
(Robert W. McDowell, CVNC on Graceland/Asleep on the Wind)
"Undeniable sadness... A super interesting play."
(Trish Vignola, Broadway World on God Steeling)
"A gripping mix of journalism and drama… The illusion of theater seems to fall away as you watch these actors."
(Joe Meyers, Entertainment Writer on God Steeling)
"...Demonstrates intimate knowledge of the small towns and countrysides of Southern Appalachia... [Moonshine's] characters enact an intricate dance of guilt and attraction on a long, moonlit night, as each grapples with how to best honor the past."
(Byron Woods, Independent Weekly on Moonshine)
"Quirky...nicely off-center. Estelle [Bajou] gave our would-be contestant a Cindy Lauperesque twist."
(Byron Woods, Independent Weekly on Beth Henley's The Miss Firecracker Contest)
"Estelle [Bajou] bursts onto the stage as Carnelle Williams... A fine performance that's both funny and touching. [Bajou] plays her role to the limit."
(Faye M. Dasen, The Pilot on Beth Henley's The Miss Firecracker Contest)
"Sparkplug performances...cleverly staged, funny. In its crude tomfoolery and brightly fake, local color, it's a bit like SPAMALOT; in absurdity, it suggests Tzara; in spirit it recalls Futurism... Mostly it's dreamlike. Bits of reality collide with absurdities. The former make the characters interesting; the latter make us laugh."
(Jon Sobel, on IXOMIA)
"Acted with tons of verve by a group of soon to be discovered downtown artists...a ton of fun. An interesting piece directed with great flair and style by Mr. [Stephen] Brackett. I think [Ixomia] has a broader life elsewhere."
(Bixby Elliot, Playwright/Blogger on IXOMIA)
"..Strong performances scattered around...random shop assistants [Estelle Bajou], porn stars, and prison guards."
(Komail Aijazuddin, on Why Does It Sting When I Pee?)
"The acting merits recognition, especially for having been improvised...and particularly performances by Estelle Bajou, Ginger Kroll and Osvaldo Benavides... The merit of Zelig and his team lies in having had the courage to undertake such a risky endeavor as this."
(Carolina Figueras, 1001 FPS [Spanish] on subHysteria)
"Unbridled hysteria. A look at each one of [the characters developed by the actors] and their reactions may confront us with ourselves, with our fears, and how we address them... a difficult film for those accustomed to Hollywood movies."
(Nestor Briceno, Cine Venezolano [Spanish] on subHysteria)
"An interesting movie , dangerous and worthy of being remembered. Let us celebrate...the acting, and what's more, that it was improvised..."
(Caque, Caquepolis [Spanish] on subHysteria)
"Economical, improvised, and brilliant."
(Paula Ortiz Vidal, Ultima Noticias [Spanish] on subHysteria)